HUGGENBERGER staff has been invited by the authorities of Canal de Isabel II for a site visit in El Atazar dam, located in northern part of Comunidad de Madrid in Spain.
Huggenberger AG, als Teil der SISGEO Gruppe, wurde zum exklusiven Vertriebspartner für SISGEO Instrumente in der Schweiz ernannt.
You can find an interesting article on Huggenberger in the December issue of of the International Water Power & Dam Construction journal.
HUGGENBERGER AG is glad to announce the last cooperation agreement with the company GeoTriangle Consulting Engineers.
Huggenberger AG is proud to announce that Mr. Andrea Ballarin has started with us as a Operations Manager.
On June 6th, our colleague Franco Cagner, from our partner company Field Srl, came to our facilities for a training day on data acquisition units.
Hiermit informieren wir Sie, dass mit der Firma LANS wGh d.o.o. mit Geschäftssitz in Belgrad, ein neuer Vertriebspartner für den exklusiven Verkauf der Huggenberger-Systeme für die Balkan-Region gewonnen werden konnte.
On 17th of April, a delegation of FIELD Srl, Service Company part of SISGEO Group, has visited HUGGENBERGER facilities and received an extensive training on Coordinoscope and Telelot.
On July 8th, Huggenberger AG performed the installation works of some Telejointmeter TTP50 in Weggis.